bet36365体育 embraces diversity and accepts people of all cultures because celebrating the differences in people leads to a more rewarding experience. Here, you’ll receive a quality education and world experience in a safe environment.

World map showing all 59 countries that bet36365体育 students come from.  Some of these include World map showing all 59 countries that bet36365体育 students come from.  Some of these include Spain, El Salvador, Canada, Oman, Guatemala, Korea, Cuba, China, Nepal, Mexico, and Japan

a student poses for a photo with more students at a table behind her

Want to #beGlobal?

The International Loper Scholarship reduces the tuition rate by more than 30%. Over 4 years, it adds up to a savings of $16,380.

Samba Dieng

"Affordable tuition and the location brought me to Kearney from Senegal, but the community and people are the reason that I stayed. Dr. Longo was one of my favorite professors, and he helped me grow not only personally but also professionally. I was also so grateful for the support from the Office of International Education. They are the reason that I decided to work in international education. My advice to international students is to get involved and live on-campus!"

Samba Dieng

Louisiana State University

Senior Internationalization Officer and Executive Director, International Programs

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